The Dark Truth About Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day always presents itself as a joyful day of love with roses and chocolates. Most people eagerly await Valentine’s Day since it revolves around love and romance where people tend to express their love for one another. But is that really what Valentine’s Day is about? There is more to Valentine’s Day than what meets the eye. In fact, there is an entirely different side to this holiday which so many choose to ignore.
The Spending Culture
The most apparent issue associated with Valentine’s Day is how much stress today places on a person to spend on lavish gifts. Each passing year, shops stock heart shapes, teddies and even jewelry. The implication is straightforward, if you do care about your partner, you will make a financial sacrifice. This can cause unwanted anxiety, especially in those who aren’t financially stable.
Valentine’s Day puts a huge strain on billions of dollars worth of business due to the sale of chocolates, flowers, and cards. These companies brainwash us into believing that these things are fundamental for love. The more pertinent question is, do we really have to spend that much money to prove love? Many people believe they need to buy something elaborate to prove their love even if they don’t want to or lack the financial means. Such behaviors creates an endless cycle of burden and ain’t the least bit romantic.
Setting High Goals For One’s Self
Valentine’s Day has its own unique set of challenges and one of these is unrealistic expectations. From movies through to advertising, love is somehow always depicted to be about ostentatious dinners, dates, and expensive gifts, which people may not always be able to afford. As a result, people begin to feel underwhelmed with their romantic relationships, as these ideals only create barriers that feel unattainable.
High hopes for Valentine’s Day can quickly turn into a feeling of let down due to the day not being as effortless as it seems. The reality of the situation is, not all Valentine’s Day is filled with fairytales, and unfortunately, that is perfectly fine. Valentine’s Day should be filled with love and joy, but the day can also ignite unsaid expectations that lead to arguments between couples.
Emotional Distress
Ultimately, Valentine’s Day can be a great source of loneliness especially for those who are currently single or going through a rough patch in a relationship. While everyone else is wrapped up in celebrations, these people will always feel like the odd one out.
The impact of s0cial media can make anxiety and distress worse. An example is how people share selfies with fancy ‘closing deals’ dinners or gorgeous gifts, making others feel they are missing out. This might trigger feelings of loneliness and sadness, transforming what is supposed to be a great day into a challenging one for many.
Valentine’s Day Is Not Abstract, Everyone Does Not Have To Celebrate It
There are Valentine’s Day enthusiasts around the world, but not everyone seeks to celebrate it because of varying reasons. Some people have different ideology or simply do not feel like it. Society imposes the image that everyone partakes in this holiday.
For those who do not celebrate it, this can bring about feelings of negativity. Seeking to fit in places in which it is unneeded, puts Valentine’s Day under contention. It removes the essence of what love is and turns it into an obligation rather than a feeling.
The Rationality Behind Gift Giving
Valentine’s Day has deep roots in ancient civilization as a festive occasion for people to engage and appreciate one another. Over the years, it evolved into a religious celebration and people started giving each other gifts. With the advent of big corporations, modern society turned it into a spend fest rather than a day to genuinely appreciate one another.
Love is not signified by payment, rather it is a feeling, an emotion that needs compassion, care and kindness, and this materialistic view of cherishing someone seems to take away from its true meaning. This is the reason why commercialism often overshadows the key purpose of St. Valentine’s Day, which is love. It is supposed to remind us of love.
It’s Possible to Show Love Without Having to Go Over the Top
If Valentine’s Day feels old and dull, it is possible to celebrate love without feeling the pressure. You do not have to give expensive gifts or eat out in an expensive restaurant. Concentrate instead on cherishing moments with those dear to you. Make them a card, prepare a nice dinner,take a walk together.
Most importantly, you should demonstrate your affection in a manner that seems appropriate to you. It can be done in any way, small or grand. More often than not, the basic things like “I love you” or a hug mean the most. It is worth noting that love is not monetary and society’s notion doesn’t change the meaning of love.
There is a more dynamic side to Valentine’s Day than celebrating it with hearts and flowers. With love being over-commercialized, there is always pressure to spend money alongside high expectations which may distort the main reason the day is celebrated. Rather than swirling in the global agenda, there is a greater need to place love at the topmost pedestal and celebrate it in a warm and heartfelt manner.
Love is not confined to its expression on one day. Love is conveyed in the small deeds we do for others. It does not matter if you are in a relationship or not, just know that Valentine’s day is only one day in a whole year that can be and must be devoted to love.